Learning + Doing

an instructional design blog

xAPI + Captivate (part 2) – Results and Leaderboards

So in my first post on the topic of integrating the Experience API and Captivate, I showed you how to take a couple user inputs and translate that into a simple statement that would be sent to an LRS when the user clicks a button. Sending a statement from a Captivate project is cool, but it’s only half the usefulness … Read More

xAPI + Captivate (Part 1)

From the moment I learned about it, I’ve been in love with the idea of what the Experience API (xAPI) could do. While adoption among some L&D departments (mostly at companies with large budgets and/or technical know-how) has been steadily gaining steam, the majority of us seem to be sitting around twiddling our thumbs, waiting for Adobe and Articulate to pull … Read More